About the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE)

Overview of RASE

The Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE) was appointed in August 2020 by Mayor Lovely Warren and County Executive Adam Bello. The charge of the commission was to review local city and county laws, policies, and ordinances to identify areas of structural inequity and recommend ways to change those laws to achieve fair application for all citizens. Involved in the Commission’s work were three Co-Chairs, 21 Commissioners, and more than 200 community members who reviewed, discussed, and put forth more than 200 recommendations aimed at dismantling structural inequities across nine sectors of our city and county.

Click on the links above to learn more about the Commission’s Formation, Charge, and, Members.

You can review the complete RASE report here. The full report is available in both English and Spanish. Along with the report, you can view the 12-minute presentation created by the three Co-Chairs to explain the Commission’s founding and path to recommendations. There is also a PowerPoint presentation available for a quick view of the overarching themes and recommendations of the Commission.

View the Commission’s Recommendations and progress here. And if you or your organization can help with implementing any of the recommendations, let us know by completing this form.